[AMPS] Looking for Teflon Tubing for #10 and #12 Wire

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:27:55 -0700

>Where can I find some teflon tubing for insulation on the wires for 
>winding a torroid coil?  Need some for #10 and #12 wire.  

#10 and #12 silver-plated, stranded Teflon� insulated hookup wire works 
well for winding toroids, provided you have a helper.  I secure the ends 
with plastic cable ties. 

> Also need a 
>source for the glass cloth #27 electrical tape, 

The best RF-wrap for toroid cores is silicone-rubber self-adhesive tape. 
Plymouth Rubber, Inc. makes it.  

>some G-10 epoxy board, 

G-10 and G-11 sheet, tube and rod stock:  
Plastifab,1425 Palomares, La Verne, CA  91750 --   818 967 9376 

-  good luck, Tom


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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