R: [AMPS] go figure

Maurizio Panicara Maurizio Panicara" <i4jmy@iol.it
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 08:23:16 +0200

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: John T. M. Lyles <jtml@lanl.gov>
A: amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
Data: luned� 28 giugno 1999 20.37
Oggetto: [AMPS] go figure

>There is another major jump in components used as capacitors. HF amplifiers
>need a lot of C for blockers to handle 160 meters. So we depend on mica or
>ceramic for enough K to get high C in a small package. >

Not really, a bit of creativity and Kapton foil can easily produce some 3000
a perfectly suitable value for 160m in most of the cases.
The above it's not an hypotesis, it's used on several HF PAs built since

Mauri I4JMY

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