[AMPS] screen regulators
Rich Measures
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 03:15:52 -0800
>In message <19990301180059.AAB15127@[]>, Rich Measures
><measures@vc.net> writes
>>>One caveat on adding FETs in shunt to get the power handling up in a screen
>>>grid shunt regulator that I didn't see on Rich's web page (but I could have
>>>missed it) is that you need to make sure they share the current equally.
>>>Series resistors in the source are a good way.
>>€ I do not use FETs in the screen shunt-regulator. I use FETs in the
>>screen series-regulator. In the latter, I use Source (neg. feedback)
>>resistor(s) as current-equalizers and to suppress osc. around 100MHz.
>>- cheers
>For belt and braces against oscillation, a few ohms right by the gate
>(just like a grid stopper) will rarely cause any harm.
€ I use one. See R13 in Figure 8 (screen reg.) on my Web site. .
- cheers, Steve
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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