[AMPS] poor mans chimneys

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 19:22:12 -0500

On Mon, 22 Feb 1999 21:17:28 EST Skip S Isaham <nospam4me@juno.com>
>Hello there, A good friend (wf6f) used cut cranberry juice jars for 
>4-400 chimneys with great success. I've also done the same with glass 
>apple juice jars
>and a cutter to remove the ends.  Just keep enough air moving.

I tried that with 4-400's  on 6M and 4-1000's on HF 30 yrs ago. Wound up
with crazed and brittle glass. Was also pushing the tubes to the limits!
Soft bottle glass and lantern glass does not have the additive compound
to efficiently pass RF.
However when run conservatively I understand they can work. OTOH, why run
chimneys on a 4-400?  Johnson sockets, some metal trimming of the tube
base and a SB-220 style fan will work for many applications.

73  Carl  KM1H

73  Carl  KM1H

>[snip] I have a need for several 3-500Z tube chimneys. Reportedly 
>globes can be used. Has anyone tried this?
>Sure beats paying $40.00 per unit from RF Parts.
>Lane Zeitler
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