[AMPS] YC-156

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 19:21:18 -0500

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:28:23 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>> >
>>> >The draw backs of this tube. The filament is of the Oxide Coated
>>> >Unipotential type. 15 Volts at 14 amps with a 6 Minute warmup time 
>and no
>>> >one rebuilds them. Secondly they have a fairly high output 
>>> >(36pf) So even though they have a max freq spec of 110Mhz your
>>> >not going to match them up with a pi-network on 10 Meters.
>>> >
>>> €  At QRP levels, this is undoubtedly true because RL would be 
>>> high.  Increase the anode current to normal, RL drops to a 
>>> level, and a match is easy.  One of the greater old-wives' tales of
>>> amateur radio is that adding another tube doubles  C-out which 
>>> the amplifier unusuable on 10m.   However, when a second tube is 
>>> RL is cut in half, and that doubles the C needed for C-tune.  Thus, 
>it is
>>> not the anode-C / Cout which causes a match prob. on 10m, it is the 
>>> of Cout to RL.
>>This is the third (in addition to the larger filament power and 
>>requirements) problem with using "tubes with handles" at amateur 
>€  One of the advantages of using the 8171 at amateur power levels is 
>that its 7" (178mm)  anode-cooler needs only a 1700-rpm blower instead 
>a 3400-rpm blower, which makes Much More Noise.
>>When underdriven the RL goes quite high  - a 3CPX5000/YC-156
>>will be about 10K Ohms and the 8171/8170 may reach 15 K (assuming 
>>and 7500 volts respectively on the anodes, 60% efficiency and 1500 
>€  For an 8171 or 8170, the optimum RL is approx. 1100-ohms.    When I 
>ran one, I would tune-up at full throttle using a tuning-pulser, and 
>back the microphone gain off until the tube showed no increase in 
>current during ssb modulation -- i.e., Class A operation.  Under these 
>conditions, the power gain was roughly 10db and eff. was probably c. 
> If needed to maintain communications during episodes of deliberate 
>interference, or whatever, the microphone gain could be advanced 
>>As I recall, tube geometry is optimized for design voltages and
>>running the tubes with significantly reduced anode (and screen) 
>>will result in lower efficiency and higher IMD.
>€  In Class A operation,  total IMD is in the neighborhood of -50db 

And as you asked in another post....who has an exciter capable of -50dB


>-  cheers, Joe.  
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  
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