[AMPS] Ripple current ratings of high voltage caps.

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 15:13:26 -0500

On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:00:42 "Phil T. (VE3OZZ)" <phil@vaxxine.com>
>There's no indication from either supplier's catalogs that running a 
>cap at
>well below the max design temp will result in longer life,  even 
>though it
>does seem reasonable to expect that it might. 

A simple catalog sheet fails to tell the story. You need the full spec
sheet which  CDE at least is very detailed. I dont know about Jap brands,
dont use them since getting real specs is damn near imposssible.

Maybe a coincidence but the large majority of my amp repair cap failures
is Jap brands...take it from there.

Absolutely zero failures with USA Mallory CGS types. None in about 5
years with CDE 381LX series either..made in South Carolina.

Individual ham level responses are  potentially dangerous unless they can
show a full test/histogram .  IOW, "Caveat Emperator".

73  Carl  KM1H

73  Carl  KM1H

 85 deg.C is pretty 
>hot (185 F).  I suspect that if you select the right rip. current 
>and the lowest ESR you can afford, 85 C rating is plenty.
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