[AMPS] need plate transformer

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sat, 6 Mar 1999 16:40:22 -0800

>>If you want the best,  and the price is fair for the quality,  try looking
>>through Dahl's list of transformers:
>>    http://www.pwdahl.com/hamcat.html
>>Large selection of neat stuff!
>>73,  Jim, KH7M
>>On the Garden Island of Kauai
>I have Dahl filament transformer, plate choke and filament chokes in the
>amp, but at $395 for the plate transformer it will be the last resort! 
Most people buy a much larger Dahl transformer than is needed for typical 
service.  .  Dahl transformers will produce far more pep watts on ssb 
than most people realize.  To convert Dahl's commercial VA rating to 
ssb/pep, multiply by approx 5.5.   


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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