[AMPS] need plate transformer
Paul Hicks, VE3BBH / VE3ZT
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 16:52:51 -0500
Hey, if you guys think the gold-plated Dalh xmformers are expensive in the
US of A, look at us poor Canucks. By the time that sucker gets up here to
the Land-Of-The-Outstretched-Palm, what with out 63-cent dollar, federal
tax, shipping, et al, that baby's gonna cost about $800 Canadian. That's
why I've been operating these contests shoeless since last Fall.
Look for me deep down in the noise...
73, Paul
>>If you want the best, and the price is fair for the quality, try looking
>>through Dahl's list of transformers:
>> http://www.pwdahl.com/hamcat.html
>>Large selection of neat stuff!
>>73, Jim, KH7M
>>On the Garden Island of Kauai
>I have Dahl filament transformer, plate choke and filament chokes in the
>amp, but at $395 for the plate transformer it will be the last resort!
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