[AMPS] Dahl vs. bucks
Paul Hicks, VE3BBH / VE3ZT
Mon, 08 Mar 1999 20:12:33 -0500
I'm not getting something here. I smoked the xformer in my 3K, called Henry
and got a price of about $425, called Dahl and got a price of $400. Why
would I pay more (or even the same) for Brand-X, and a "trust me, they're
good" explanation when I asked for specifications on their xformer?
Maybe it's me...
73, Paul
>>Dahl: very good ...very expense? You get what you pay for.
>>Alan, W3BV
>Could not agree more. He is w/o question the absolute best and definately
>worth the cost. His stuff will outlast the user.
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