[AMPS] Transformers

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 11:43:18 -0500

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999 20:20:37 -0500 "Pat Poirier" <hkman@hitter.net>
>I  have been reading the thread on transformers and I find it very 
>interesting that there always seems to be an attack on Henry 
>amplifiers, Do transformers fail yes they do, are they only Henry 
>transformers that fail ? No !! Dahl has about 40 pages of different 
>amplifier manufacture replace transformers.

If you read carefully you will note that many are for CB amps and/or CB
conversions with outlandish tube lineups! Others are designed to push
amps such as the 77SX and LK-800 to the 5KW area.

>Henry has sold over 30,000 amplifiers over the years and with anything 
>parts fail.

Where does that info come from?  How many are ham?
Why has Henry pretty much been eliminated in medical amps?

 People run their amplifiers well beyond the manufactured 
>specifications during contest and at other times and sooner or later 
>something lets go. 

Yep, but one would expect an economy amp to skimp on the PS; not
something touted as heavy duty.
How is it possible to push a pair of 3-500Z's or a 3CX1200A7 beyond its
ratings with 100-120W of drive? I doubt if all amp failures are due to
FT-1000D drivers.

Time and moisture are also issues that play on the 

The most common failure mode is due to capacitor or diode problems, not
an inadequate xfmr.

>If there were so many Henry transformers that were letting go, then 
>why does Dahl only list 9 direct replacement transformers and 23 extra 
>heavy duty transformers for people who want more out of their 

Thank you for agreeing with my point. If the original would not fail
before the tube(s) reached their rated potential who would need 23 extra

Why not ask the reflector how many Ameritron, Amp Supply, Alpha or other
quality xfmrs have failed. Dahl doesnt even list a HD xfmr for most of
those amps.

That is a total of 34 different transformers for about 30 
>plus years of manufacturing and many different models over the years.
>We sometimes miss the point, if Carl has a new product that is 
>available to us when we need a replacement and it is of quality and 
>reasonably priced he will sell a lot of them no matter who the 
>amplifier manufacturer is. I don't think Carl is going to get rich 
>selling replacement transformers for Henry amplifiers, but if he has a 
>good product maybe the competition will drive Dahl's prices down and 
>give us more choices to find a replacement transformer, if and when 

I will be a mere drop in the bucket compared to Dahl. I had no plans to
even get involved with Henry xfmrs but was urged by many in private
E-Mail who do not share the same warm feeling as our Mr Hype Salesman. 

Any copies of Henry manuals would be appreciated.

73  Carl  KM1H


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