[AMPS] Transformers

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 14:04:47 -0500

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 10:06:22 -0800 "Radiodan W7RF" <RFpower@radiodan.com>
>Once again, to correct .... shall we say "wishful inaccuracies".

A nice phrase from a master of hyperbole.

>I don't mind taking a poke from time to time, considering the source, 
>but I
>won't stand by for lies.

That figures...you wont stand for anyone topping yours....

>> >Henry has sold over 30,000 amplifiers over the years and with 
>> >parts fail.
>> Where does that info come from?  How many are ham?
>> Why has Henry pretty much been eliminated in medical amps?
>Over 40,000. Source would have to be Henry.

 I don't really know how 
>many are

>I can guarantee it's many thousands. 

It would be interesting to have an accurate number for comparison against

>for hams and everyone else since 1962. Same ownership, all hams.

We had one of those originals at National for evaluation.

>No change either. Ford, GM, Chrysler all realized their errors in those
years, Henry stayed static.

Thats for sure. Another term is obsolete.

Hint....buy Ford stock.

>Henry has NOT been eliminated from medical amps. It is mentioned like 
>sort of worldwide ban. Again, more anal rententive blather.

Hmmm. One only has to go to any of the nationwide svc companies to
understand that. One phone call will give a fresh insight to the
Henry medical amps had reliability problems and suffered as a result.
Note I did not say banned...just pretty much ignored ...by serious
customers. My sources are competitors and a good friend who services
medical equipment. 

As far as Danny Boys anal comment I will ignore it and consider the
That kind of rude comment shows a rather lack of class; not someone I
would buy anything from either.

>> Time and moisture are also issues that play on the
>> >components.
>> The most common failure mode is due to capacitor or diode problems, 
>> an inadequate xfmr.
>I thought it was claimed transformers were the "bad" thing? Are we 
>back to
>green Moss growing only on Henry roller coils again?

In most other brand amps transformer failures are often caused by other
related PS components. I love the way you keep trying to deflect things.

>> >If there were so many Henry transformers that were letting go, then
>> >why does Dahl only list 9 direct replacement transformers and 23 
>> >heavy duty transformers for people who want more out of their
>> >amplifier.
>> Thank you for agreeing with my point. If the original would not fail
>> before the tube(s) reached their rated potential who would need 23 
>> choices?
>Because it is recognized the Henry RF decks can handle way more than 
>are being asked to in normal operation. 

Agreed and just like the Drake L-4. Seems both companies had the same
setup...one committe doing the RF and another the DC.

People see that they have 
>plenty of
>capacity for more power and therefore want an even bigger power 

I would not call 1500W from a pair of 3-500's excessive without having to
buy an aftermarket xfmr.

>> Why not ask the reflector how many Ameritron, Amp Supply, Alpha or 
>> quality xfmrs have failed. Dahl doesnt even list a HD xfmr for most 
>> those amps.
>For the reverse reason. Toy tubes and/or parts made at best for just 
>what is
>specified. No extra capacity here.

Maybe MFJ should buy Henry and show them how to build a PS that will last
for many years of 1500W contesting.

Sort of interesting to see the list of contesters amps that are often
published; would anyone care to guess at the order of preference?

>> I will be a mere drop in the bucket compared to Dahl. I had no plans 
>> even get involved with Henry xfmrs but was urged by many in private
>> E-Mail who do not share the same warm feeling as our Mr Hype 
>Carl, It seems to please you to refer to me this way even though you 
>nothing of my experience or expertise.

Your signature says enough.

Lets just agree to drop the subject. You have your groupies and
detractors. Nothing either one of has to say will change the Henry bottom
line that much.

But I will be damned if I will let you or some airhead tell me I cant be
critical of what I perceive to be a substandard product ( in not all
cases).  Sort of keeps a balance dont you think?

73  Carl  KM1H

>73, Dan Magro W7RF, (President WARC 1999, member SCDXC, SCCC)
>Rugged, Reliable Henry HF Amps are "Instant on" for RF Power now!
>DXers/Contesters/Ragchewers get your HENRY from RADIODAN for LESS!
>www.radiodan.com <http://www.radiodan.com>     RFpower@radiodan.com
><mailto:RFpower@radiodan.com> A trip to our web site is worth the 
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