[AMPS] Re: Solenoid Plate Chokes

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:54:57 -0500

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 13:56:39 -0600 "Roy Koeppe" <royanjoy@ncn.net>
>A trick I learned for testing them another, reassuring way is to mount 
>into position, with the "bottom" grounded. Then dip the tank's 
>freq. both with and without the "top" connected to the tank.  A
>high-performance choke should be nearly "invisible" or "transparent" 
>to the
>tank's resonant freq.

An excellent hint Roy.

>160M is often a special case, as many chokes have reactance reflected 
>the tank due to too high of a fundamental parallel self-resonant freq. 
>the choke. This causes the need for more C1 capacity in the pi-net, 
>increased circulating currents in the choke itself.

Translated: Too little choke L  to get all the RF going in the wanted
direction. Thats a problem with several amps that try and cover 9 bands.
Enough L for 160M and smoke on some higher band and vice versa.

73  Carl  KM1H

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