[AMPS] Output power 8877

Roy Koeppe royanjoy@ncn.net
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:59:38 -0600

>From everything I've ever read, ferrite is inappropriate for a tank inductor
core. Powdered iron is appropriate. The toroid core's dimensions for
legal-limit power level is that of Amidon's T-400-A, which is 4-inches by
1-inch. I have used this core on 160M, 80M and 40M with no heating in my
3-500Z (2) amp. (3-KV) Q=12, PI-L. I use two T-200 cores (stacked) in the L2
inductor. Windings are spaced so that about a 2-inch gap exists in the L1
inductor. This was a single-bander amp, so no taps were ever tried--my point
being the core was fully wound in each case up to the 2-inch gap on each
band. Glass tape is used to insulate the core from the winding.

Luck!   Roy   K6XK

-----Original Message-----
From: NI4L <ni4l@bellsouth.net>
To: amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 11:51 AM
Subject: [AMPS] Output power 8877

>Tube 8877
>3750 v drop back to 3450v
>6 mills current at 65 watts
>I seem to be getting about 1200 watts out on a two tone oscillator
>I have a Ferrite toroid tank circuit . 10/15 meters are on a reg copper
>20/40/80 meters are on the toroid.
>it seems to work pretty smooth. The question is ; Because of the toroid
>tank circuit would that make it so that it doesn't produce anymore
>wattage than it does? the tube is good tried another one same output.
>any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
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