[AMPS] HV connectors again...

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:13:34 -0500

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:54:07 +0000 John / NS1Z <ns1z@arrl.net> writes:
>To those who intend to be severely offended my apologies:
>Looking for info on HV connectors for my 3-500 amp. What about the 
>mount SO-239 connector. Anyone know its voltage rating. Can I get away 
>using it as the HV connector for a 3500 VDC supply?

With a Teflon SO-239 and PL-259 you probably can  BUT ....!!

>Where do we find these annoying little parts which are always needed 
>"complete" the projects......

I'm getting final quotes from Alden on a set of real connectors rated at
least 15KV along with HV wire.
Prices look like they will be under $10 a set and that includes 24" of
30KV wire molded into the panel mount female jack.

Just waiting for answers to a few questions before I place the order.

73  Carl  KM1H

>          John Wilcox  NS1Z
>               FN44rn
>           ns1z@arrl.net
>         fon: 207-364-2246
>            871 Route 120
>        Rumford, ME 04276-3836
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