[AMPS] Congrats SM2CEW

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 08:57:17 -0600

Congrats to Peter, SM2CEW, for being the first AMPS reflector member to 
hear me on the air with my new toy.  Thanks for the QSO, Peter.

Anyhow, someone once told me that good DX never comes looking for you, 
you have to look for it.  Well, in the last week, I've done plenty of 
calling CQDX and have worked a V63, a YC8 and last night a TZ!  I am sure 
someone will tell me these are no big deal.  Perhaps, perhaps not, but 
the TZ was a new country for me.  And as someone once said, "If you ain't 
worked it - it's rare!"

Anyhow, having a blast!



Jon Ogden

http://www.qsl.net/ke9na    <--- CHECK IT OUT!  It's been updated!!!!!

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