[AMPS] cheap tubes--good power

zeitler@ibm.net zeitler@ibm.net
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 09:28:17 -0800

Rich said:
>>Think tetrodes with handles.
And Carl said:
>Think triodes with handles.

NOS 3-400Zs can be had from United Electronics for $90.00 each. These are
brand new and carry a full warantee (not sure how long). I believe the
manufacturer is either Westinghouse or United Electronics but don't quote me
on that. They have a 1-800 number. Do a net search on their name for more

With patience Eimac 3-500Zs can be had. I just bought four medical pulls at
$85.00 each. Fully guaranteed to be full output or money back. The paint is
so fresh it looks like the tubes were never used. The source: Mark Olson
KE9PQ. He too is on the web (somewhere).

I like the 3-400Zs and 3-500Zs because they are rugged and will handle the
output of my TS-850 and TS-830 with no special adaptation circuitry. The
L4Bs that I have run 3500 vdc Ep and will easily do 1500 watts all day long
with around 720 mA Ip.

I can't see paying $489 for a new 3cx1200a7 when the 3-400 and 3-500Z tubes
are still so widely available. But then again I am a poor sailor with a
family to raise so scrounge I must.

Current project is a 3 hole 3-500Z deck for low bands--160-80-40. Have most
of the parts right now but no time to do the work.

Lane Zeitler
San Diego

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