[AMPS] Fuses

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 08:38:54 -0800

>One question for discussion.
>Is a glitch resistor in the HV preferable to a suitable fuse? 

€   A glitch resistor that disintegrates during a hv flashover, can not 
fulfill it's primary job of limiting current because, as it 
disintegrates, a metal-vapour arc takes place across the glitch-R.  .  
The same thing takes place in a fuse that is used above it's max. V 
rating -- i.e., a 250v-rated fuse in the cathode of an amplifier that 
uses a 2500v supply.  Sure, during a flashover, the fuse blows to bits, 
however, the interim metal vapour arc has roughly a 15v drop, which does 
virtually nothing to limit peak fault current.  

>(I don't mean
>a 1-1/4 inch glass fuse) Or is a fuse a desirable addition to a glitch
>resistor? Or is it unnecessary?
A proper glitch resistor needs no fuse.   My guess is that most of the 
damage caused by peak fault current (delivered by the filter capacitor) 
takes place in roughly the first couple of milliseconds.  
-  later, Peter


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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