[AMPS] Re: Re[CQ Contest}RE: [TowerTalk] 22VAC to 2 110VAC circuits

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 12:16:31 -0800

>This discussion brings up a related issue: what's the best choice for a
>220VAC outlet for an amplifier and how should it be wired?
>Locally, I've been able to find two surface-mount NEMA outlet boxes for
>220VAC: the 4-blade type (two flat blades, one angled blade and one curved
>blade ), and the three-blade type (two blades at an angle to each other and
>one angled blade.) So far, I've been able to find a separate plug for the
>four-blade type, but only complete cable assemblies with a molded plug for
>the 3-blade type (I live in the boonies, folks.)
�  For largish tetrode amps., I use a standard 50A 3-contact electric 
dryer outlet, wired with #4 Cu.  The neutral is #8.  Amplifiers are wired 
so that neutral connects to the front panel whenever the amp. is plugged 
in.  Thus, if a L1 or L2 short occurs, the mains'-breakers trip and the 
front panel can not become fatally hot.  .  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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