[AMPS] Amp opinion/infomation requested ASAP!!
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:28:35 -0500
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:15:04 +1000 "Graham Jones" <g.jones@bom.gov.au>
>G'day Carl,
>In reply to Greg's query on loading, you wrote:
>> Loading Heavy actually means to DECREASE the Load C value, it is
>> confusing. On top of that the 0-100 panel labeling is one way on
>> amps and the opposite on others.
>> I prefer to tune for absolute max on the Bird and then increase
>loading (
>> Less C-2) until power drops about 5%. This will be the point of best
>> Any reduction in power should then be done at the exciter. A MLA
>> perfect tubes is capable of over 1500W out @ 100W drive but that is
>> really pushing them.
>> 73 Carl KM1H
> I've been curious about a related subject for a while. I
>believe I more or
>less understand the mechanism by which heavy plate loading reduces
>(i.e. by limiting negative peak anode voltage excursions going into
>non-linear region). But how does it increase tube life? The Eimac
>sheet for the 4CX250B states in regard to VHF operation: "Such
>should be conducted with heavy plate loading, minimum bias, and the
>driving power consistent with satisfactory performance. It is often
>preferable to operate at a sacrifice in efficiency to obtain increased
> To Carl and other knowledgable persons on the reflector -
>could you please
>explain how heavy plate loading and reduced efficiency can increase
I believe you picked up on two items and left out the remainder Graham.
The minimum bias and drive power are very important parameters in the
bottom line.
In a tetrode heavy loading also decreases Isg which may contribute to
life by limiting secondary emission which is often a factor in 4CX250B
VHF operation.
I'll leave the scientific explanation up to a qualified tube engineer.
73 Carl KM1H
>I apologise if this subject has been covered previously on the
>Thanks in advance.
>73 Graham VK3BKG
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