[AMPS] FCC Actions at Dayton

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Thu, 20 May 1999 20:25:38 -0500

>Each ham can only build or modify ONE amplifier per "YEAR" for operations on
>frequencies between 24 and 100 MHz without having to apply for type

OK.  Now I understand.  So if I make 10 4-1K amps and sell them, I 
violate the rules.  Understood.

Now, what if I make more than one amp for my own personal use?  That is 
not in violation is it?  Say I want to make monoband amps for 160 thru 6 
Meters.  That's OK, right?

>I just hope some of the guy's here on this reflector - especially up in the
>north east keep that in mind when they offer 10 and more modified amps
>mostly on 6m per year for sale.

I don't think they are offering the amps for sale.  Rather they are 
offering to do modifications to already existing amps.  Don't know where 
that fits in to the law.

>I was informed that Hollingsworth just loves reflectors and newsgroups :-).
>I used to work for ETO and we had to go through quite some restrictions to
>get type acceptance. Its about time that the FCC puts an end to the abuse of
>the regulations. Too many enterprising hams have put too much crap onto the
>market and let the average Joe ham who does not have the required technical
>knowledge or testgear to verify that the gear is FCC compliant or not  bear
>the burden.

Agreed.  Having done FCC type acceptances/certification in a past life 
yes they are a pain and quite extensive.  And yes there is too much out 
there that the dial spinners don't know enuf about.
>I personally applaud the FCC to finally do the right thing.

Agreed.  I had the pleasure of sitting at the table next to Mr. 
Hollingsworth's table at Applebee's during lunch last Friday at Dayton.  
I thanked him for his work.  And it also gave me great pleasure to 
realize that the FCC was at Dayton when I saw all the illegal CB amps for 
sale out there.  Made me chuckle.

Anywho, I just hope that it doesn't go so far that if someone literally 
has a 4CX10,000 amp that they don't get written up.  Nothing in the law 
states that amplifier capability is limited only the power you put into 
the antenna.  Just like a car that can go 150 but is driven at 65.



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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