measures measures@vcnet.com
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 07:46:22 -0700

>      If someone did this to me I would NOT be very sorry
>      to be very naughty to the fellow, it might even be
>      worth a plane ticket just to get personal satisfaction.
>      You know it gets dark at night even in the states.
>      Can´t anyone drive over to this KM1H´s place and
>      pick up the amps or help Jean-Michel to get the  
>      money back.
>      The amateur community got to defend against people
>      that cheats on other amateurs.  
Amen to that, Jim.  The word is out.  

Carl told me that Jean-Michel should call him on the telephone. 

>-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
>Från:	gueugnot@nat.fr [SMTP:gueugnot@nat.fr]
>Skickat:	 den 31 oktober 1999 23:14
>Till:	amps@contesting.com
>Ämne:	VB: Re: [AMPS] KM1H
>I confim that I have not received my amps from Carl. (2 x SB200 for 6  
>Carl gave me no news at all since the day he received my money.
>The price was 1.480,00 USD
>Now I want my money back !
>If someone can send me Carl's telephone number... it would help.
>I dont know what is the best time (UTC) to call him.
>I would be VERY sorry to be Very naughty
>Jean-Michel GUEUGNOT
>FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampsfaq.html
>Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
>Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm
> <<Fil: Re_ [AMPS] KM1H.TXT>>  
>FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampsfaq.html
>Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
>Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampsfaq.html
Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm