[AMPS] Whither the 807?

Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 16:51:30 -0800

807's were drunk when hams built their own rigs.  It paralleled the growth
of television.  After work at the mines, the ham would come home and fire up
the home brew rig.  But neighbors would complain about television
interference.  So, the ham would go down to the local tavern and sip a few.
Neighbor hams wondered where he was, and he commented that he was sipping
some 807's.

This practice declined with the proliferation of the commercial rigs, but
then reappeared with the increase of high powered amplifiers.  The reason
for the reappearance was that parasitics were blowing up the amplifiers at a
high rate.  The consumption of 807's again increased, until Richard
Measure's article on parasitic suppression.  After that, parasitics ceased
and amateurs simply operated and had no need to go down to the local bar to
down an 807.

One prognosticator has predicted that with the decline of cw the consumption
of 807's may once again increase.

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