[AMPS] 2KD-5

measures measures@vcnet.com
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 15:31:12 -0700

>Kazuo said,
>> And this was in Japan where they do not have 240v mains.  In the U. S.,
>> the filament voltage is even higher.
>Rich, the transformer installed and sent to Japan is different than US
What is the measured potential across 3-500Z pins 1 and 5 of a U.S. 
version 2KD-5 when it is being operated from 240v, Dan?

>With all your criticism of commercial amps, you'd think there would be room
>for a "Measures" brand. You know, "the perfect amp".
Indeed, as per the Jan/1994 QST article. I have thought about this many 
times.  If I was younger and in ok health I might attempt building Ugly 
amps. on a commercial basis.   .  

>Haven't seen any ads for it yet.

There could never, ever be any advertising for such amps.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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