[AMPS] Looking for article (QST).

Anders Karlsson sm7tjc@telia.com
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 20:02:51 +0100

In my 1991(?) copy of "The Handbook" I found an interesting 2-meter amp
using the 8877. The problem is that there are no detailed information
about the construction. All that info can be found in a two-part article
in QST, December 1973 and January 1974, vritten by K1AGB.

At that time I was still learning how to read and write in school, so I
do not have these "old" magazines.
Is there anywhere on the internet where I can find them, or does anyone
have them scanned? 
It looks like an amp that is quite easy to build (suits me very well,

73 de Anders, SM7TJC

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