[AMPS] WTB: Socket for 4CX5000

measures measures@vcnet.com
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 07:16:52 -0700

>This one is beautiful in the shack, but may be more useful
>elsewhere... So i'm looking for a socket !
>Nebraska sells some SK300 (svetlana/eimac) or Y309 (bypassed, by
>eimac) but the price is prohibitive...
I bought a special bypassed socket for a 4CX5000A from a surplus store.  
I found out that it was designed for AF modulator service.  In order to 
use the socket for RF, all of the bypassing had to be removed.  The 
socket had to be refitted with Eimac's  RF service parts.  .  If I needed 
a socket, I would contact Svetlana.  

At one time, Nebraska was selling surplus HEC doorknobs for slightly more 
than the new price.  A friend of mine bought a "new" 8877 from Nebraska 
that turned out to have a bit of leakage between the anode and the grid.  
The leakage was polarity sensitive.  He sent the tube back.  .  
cheers, Laurent

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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