R: R: SV: [AMPS] Re: SB220 problem

measures measures@vcnet.com
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 07:28:18 -0700

>-----Messaggio Originale-----
>Da: measures <measures@vcnet.com>
>A: AMPS <amps@contesting.com>
>Data invio: giovedì 11 novembre 1999 6.25
>Oggetto: Re: R: SV: [AMPS] Re: SB220 problem
>> >PS In a standard SB 220 the RF current is no more than 5-6 A.
>> >
>> The Q on 10m is approx. 13 and the anode current is 0.8A.  That's more
>> than 5 to 6A of circulating currrent
>> >
>The calculation done with .8A of plate current drain, a Q of 13 and a full
>input carrier is close to 10A.
>In real operations, the average current, what finally produces heating in
>the PI switch finger, is much closer to 6A (or less) than 10A.
Probably less than 6A for SSB.  However 6A @ 28MHz is similar in heating 
ability to 30ADC.  

cheers, Mauri

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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