[AMPS] 4CM 400,000A

RichyRusso@aol.com RichyRusso@aol.com
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 00:50:44 EST

In a message dated 11/16/99 3:47:11 AM !!!First Boot!!!, KA2YKC@aol.com 

<< Checked out the specs at the EIMAC site:
  Filament  16.3 volts @ 600amps
  Typical operation:
  Plate 20,000 volts
  Screen 1,500 volts
  Plate I 45 amps
  Water cooled and 170 lbs.
  Anybody have some spare parts sitting around to help me get this thing
  on the air? >>

  I just bid on it, I am wondering if anyone has a socket and chimney for 
this thing :-)
It looks more like a keg of Genuine draft than a tube!!  I saved the jpg 
files for the conversation value... You could easily hide this thing under 
your BBQ as a spare LPG tank, a very big spare tank I might add!!   Richy

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