[AMPS] Eimac care and feeding

Jim Reid kh7m@hsa-kauai.net
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:40:34 -1000

> Maybe they lost their "Care and Feeding" advocate 
>and now no one wants to be bothered teaching anyone.

At Eimac and many other firms in the electronic component
business,  these sorts of things are written by Applications
Engineers,  who are usually part of the Marketing organization.
Some have been eliminated via the pressure to "downsize"
to reduce costs/up profits.

But some companies call members of their technical selling
staff,  Applications Engineers,  as WJ has done in the past,
and maybe still does.

In any case,  the folks who write this stuff up are usually
on the "bottom of the rung" in the marketing/engineering
whatever departments.  And, you  are correct, no one
really likes to write this stuff up --- except,  of course,
the sales guys,  who work on commision,  MUST have
this applications help,  because they are usually
the weakest in technical details and applications aid
to the customers.  As said,  some companies demand
that their sales types be technically adept,  and really
KNOW the products details,  how to apply,  etc.

WJ certainly did.

But it is the squeaky wheel effect:  if the sales team really
hollers a lot for the written technical selling tools,  someone
will be tasked to provide same.  If they don't,  and sales
meet the annual plan,  the tools do not get provided/updated.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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