[AMPS] Z80 emulator for ARD230 repair

RichyRusso@aol.com RichyRusso@aol.com
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 14:58:03 EST

   How does the amp know when its tuned? Does it use shutter (choppers) 
wheels to determine position or does it use variable resistance.. If its 
hunting for a match, its prob not getting the signal to stop because the 
needed feedback is not going to the processor. If the amp is trying to 
logically locate a match I would most likely rule out the processor and 
eprom. Look at the tune circuit and where that ties into the processor board 
or the check out how the processor knows where the tune is in relation to its 
position... Regards... Richy

  PS since you disassembled the gears, make sure the vr's (if used) are 
"retimed" to the tune cap. It may be searching for a match but the tune cap 
is way off from the resistance position causing the units to hunt. If it uses 
choppers make sure that is lined up since the processor may count pulses to 
determine location from a predetermined stop.. Hope this makes sense :-)  

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