[AMPS] For all...

Phil Levin W2GE w2ge@home.com
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:17:09 -0500

> He laid her on the table,
> So white, clean and bare.
> His forehead wet with beads of sweat,
> He rubbed her here and there.
> He touched her neck and then her breast,
> And then, drooling, felt her thigh.
> The slit was wet and all was set, He
> gave a joyous
> cry.
> The hole was wide...he looked inside,
> All was dark and murky.
> He rubbed his hands and stretched out
> his arms,
> And then he stuffed the turkey.
>     May I be the first to wish you Happy
> Thanksgiving!

Phil W2GE  P.S. Let's all be thankful for our great reflectors

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