[AMPS] Re: RF Switches

Merv Schweigert k9fd@htc.net
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 17:57:33 -0600

Second that, they are great to deal with, sold me parts on many
occasions for Alpha 77SX bandswitchs..  just hold your breath
when they get ready to quote the price.. big switchs require big
bucks..  Merv K9FD

>> Does any company manufacture ganged rotary hi-pwr switches to order
>> I'm going to need several in a project I'm making, and am wondering who,
>> anyone, still makes stuff like this.
>> 73 de Ron, K5BDJ
>Hi Ron,
>Radio Switch Corp. is still alive and well @ (732)462-6100.
>They are nice folks; I had two  model 86's made recently.
>If that tel # doesn't do the job, try Skip Coleman @ (732)409-6695.
>He is the guy I dealt with on the specs.
>Phil, K5PC
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