R: [AMPS] Conjugate matching and amplifiers

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Fri, 1 Oct 99 10:43:48 -0500

measures wrote:

>>An high level amplifier is not designed ONLY at a stated output power, but
>>it's designed to be at the highest gain possible and for the best possible
>>efficiency at such output.  (Imagine a 2 MW Amp that wouldn't be designed
>>under this concept....)
>€  In Class AB1, the highest gain possible means operating with a 
>relatively high value of grid terminating R.  Increasing grid terminating 
>R means decreasing VHF stability, even for a neutralized amplifier. 

Sure.  So you have to pick a compromise between gain and stability.  It's always that way in everything you do.  Typically a critically damped system (one right on the verge of instabilit, destruction, etc) will give you the highest performance.  One sees that in all areas of endeavor - particularly aircraft design.  Modern combat aircraft are so borderline stable that without the onboard computers to keep that plane right on the edge of stability the plane would crash.  But today's aircraft perform far better than the older, safer, more stable ones.



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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