[AMPS] Re: swr

Gilmer, Mike mgilmer@gnlp.com
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 16:56:05 -0400

Hi Jon.

Appreciate your time, but still having trouble...

This email ping-pong certainly isn't the most efficient way to get
technical concepts across :)

On Friday, October 01, 1999 4:40 PM, Jon Ogden [SMTP:jono@enteract.com]
> Gilmer, Mike wrote:
> >If the cable/antenna were treated as a black box, with some
impedance, Z
> >(caused by the cable length's transforming effect on the antenna
> >impedance), and some VSWR (caused by the mismatch of the cable and
> >antenna), what does the "amp" see when it looks into the black box?
> >It sees, of course, the same VSWR and the same impedance.
> >So this means I can't expect a SWR meter between the amp and the
> >box to read 1:1 even if the black box is 50 ohms. Is this true?
> No, that's not true.  If the black box is 50 Ohms, the output of the
> is 50 Ohms, and if your SWR meter is 50 Ohms, then you see 1:1 VSWR.

I don't care about this case (yet).  I talked about mismatched

> impedance transformation effect of the cable only really does
> if the impedance of the antenna is different from the impedance of the

> feedline.

This is EXACTLY the case I'm talking about.  I said the antenna's
impedance was transformed by the cable. This means the Zcable does NOT
equal Zantenna.  In this case, you said I could get a 50-ohm point at
some cable length.  If I have this cable length, and I treat this
cable/antenna as a black box (which is what I tried to describe above)
what does my SWR meter between the amp and the blackbox read?

> If you want a further explanation of the Smith Chart, I'd love to give

> it.  Unfortunately, I don't have my text book that best explains
> theory with me in my office.  But the Smith Chart really makes 
> understanding things easy and simplifies the math incredibly.  Seeing
> visually really helps.

I've used the Smith chart many times, but it's been 10 years.
Will look up the beast this weekend (if it rains!)

> 73,
> Jon

Mike N2MG

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