[AMPS] Re: swr

Roger D. Johnson n1rj@pivot.net
Sat, 02 Oct 1999 12:22:22 -0400

It is unfortunate that we use the same term (ohms) for resistance,
reactance and impedance. It
sure acts to confuse the newcomer! We must remember that impedance
consists of both a
resistive and a reactive component. I think what Jon is trying to say is
that when we move along
the transmission line away from the mismatched load, the impedance is
constant as we move
around the SWR circle on the Smith chart resulting in a constant SWR.
However, the resistive
and reactive components of that impedance are constantly changing. At
some point you can
have a 50 ohm resistive component but it will be reactive. Inserting the
opposite reactance at
that point will result in a matched line back to the transmitter.

73, Roger

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