[AMPS] shielding

Alek Petkovic vk6apk@eon.net.au
Mon, 04 Oct 1999 19:57:01 +0800

Try a Microwave Oven door. They are pretty see through and should give good
shielding at the same time.

73, Alek. VK6APK.

At 07:43 PM 10/03/1999 -0700, Larry wrote:
>Seeing the post on the four 3-500z's has prompted me to ask a question I
>have been wondering about.  I also have a amp that runs four 3-500ZG's BTW
>I have never run it over legal limit Pat, will your car go over the speed
>limit????  Anyway I would like to cut the top of the amp out and install a
>piece of Lexan in its place to view the tubes when they are lit up.  Any
>pro or con on this?????
>Larry K0AEY
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