[AMPS] Re: Filament Xfmr.

Werner S. Zielke, DJ2HZ wsz@ginko.de
Mon, 04 Oct 1999 13:19:01 +0200

Sure, two of the 3-500Zs will produce legal power. Under normal cndx never
you'll need any signal amplfication. I'm interested on technics, experiments,
constructions and homebrewing. I guess that is more hamradio for my self thann
using commercial amateur amplifiers. That is another kick...

73, Werner 

Pat Barthelow wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> Why would you want 4 x 3-500Zs?  Two will do max legal power nicely...
> 73, DX, de
> Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ;
> aa6eg@hh.tmx.com;n6ij@hotmail.com
> 599 DX Drive, Marina CA 93933
> See us on the web: www.polkinghorn.org/n6ij
> "The Contest Station from the Government"
> On Sun, 3 Oct 1999, Larry Molitor wrote:
> >
> > At 11:39 AM 10/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
> > >
> > >About:
> > >
> > >"I am building an amp with four 3-500Z using low bands only (160 and
> > >80m).
> > >I do have two filament transformers, 5V/80A w/o a center tap on the
> > >secondary coil. The other one contains four coils with 5V/25A ea. coil
> > >also
> > >w/o any center taps on the secondary side."  (Etc.)
> > >
> > >How about connecting a small "audio" or "power supply" choke from each
> > >side of the secondary to "eventual" ground? Calculate the inductance
> > >value of them so that they will only allow a negligible (AC) current
> > >flow to ground while maintaining a balanced condition for all voltages
> > >involved in the circuits. I think reasonable sized, cheap chokes may be
> > >possible but must have low DC resistances. Maybe from junk box.
> > >
> > >73,    Roy         K6XK
> >
> > I use a small filament transformer with a secondary center tap. Connect the
> > secondary across the big transformer secondary. Leave the primary open. Use
> > the small transformer secondary center tap for your cathode return.
> >
> >
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Larry - W7IUV
> > w7iuv@arrl.net
> > http://www.axtek.com/w7iuv
> > Amp pix at
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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