[AMPS] Re: swr

Gilmer, Mike mgilmer@gnlp.com
Mon, 4 Oct 1999 09:45:32 -0400

On Saturday, October 02, 1999 12:22 PM, Roger D. Johnson
[SMTP:n1rj@pivot.net] wrote:
> I think what Jon is trying to say is
> that when we move along
> the transmission line away from the mismatched load, the impedance is
> constant as we move
> around the SWR circle on the Smith chart resulting in a constant SWR.

The SWR is the same as we go around the circle but 
the impedance changes.

> However, the resistive
> and reactive components of that impedance are constantly changing.

Yes, but this is the opposite of what you said above!

> 73, Roger

Mike N2MG

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