[AMPS] SWR and line length, etc.

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Mon, 4 Oct 99 17:01:23 -0500

Roger D. Johnson wrote:

>Oops! Your turn to be wrong. At 1/8 wave down the line the R component
>about 40 ohms and the X component is -30 ohms. With a resistive load the
>R component never goes to zero.

Oops!  Roger, you are correct.  Mea Culpa!

I messed up reading the Smith Chart.  Your right.  The impedance read on 
a Smith Chart is the intersection of the constant resistance and the 
constant reactance curves.  At 1/8 wave from the 100 Ohm point (2.0 
constant resistance circle), the normalized values are 0.8 Ohms real and 
0.6 Ohm imaginary (0.8-j0.6).  In the 50 Ohm world that is 40-j30 just 
like you said.

When I was reading the chart this afternoon, I noticed that but ignored 
it since I was thinking in terms of an X-Y axis.  At 1/8 lambda, you have 
no X component.  But that's not the proper way to read a Smith Chart.

I stand correct.  Let the record say that!

Thank you for pointing it out instead of throwing inuendos like others!



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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