[AMPS] Henry 2K-3

measures measures@vcnet.com
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 03:38:05 -0700

>Hi everyone,
>I just had the high voltage cap in my Henry's power supply go bad. Its a
>20uf 3kv oil filled cap. I called Henry Radio and of course they didn't have
>it (I gave them a break.. it is 30 years old). Anyway, the question is: The
>power supply is a choke input, does that mean that I have to replace it with
>the exact value? Fair Radio has 32uf 4kv caps at a reasonable price. Can I
>use one of those and get away with it?
€  Easily.  My guess is that 4uF would do the job in a resonant-choke 
supply for 3-500Zs.  The critical C is the capacitor across the 

-  later, Martin

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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