[AMPS] Re: The Worldwide, No Holds Barred, SWR Quiz.

measures measures@vcnet.com
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 09:07:45 -0700

>measures wrote:
>>€  Let me see if I have this straight.  You agree that the 50-ohm SWR 
>>meter will read 1:1 at the ends of the 1/2 wavelength section, and that  
>>it will read 1.86:1 at the 1/4 wavelength point?
>Do you just reply to posts and not read them?
>Come on, Rich.  Read a little more carefully.
€  I'm trying, I'm trying.  .  I thought I recalled reading that you 
supported the theory that the placement of the SWR meter would make no 
difference in the SWR reading.   I was wrong.  Sorry, Jon.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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