[AMPS] Zo of SWR meters

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Wed, 6 Oct 99 13:28:57 -0500

Roger D. Johnson wrote:

> After reviewing the manual for my Bird 43, I have come to the
>conclusion that the Zo of the SWR meter will have little or no
>effect on the SWR readings when used in lines of other impedances.
>The power indications will be off as the meter is calibrated for 50
>ohm systems but the RATIO of forward to reflected used in the
>SWR computation should remain the sam

I am afriad though that you can't necessarily rely on those ratios can 
you?  Because there is an impedance discontinuity at the interface on 
each side of the meter.  So are you really measuring the forward vs. 
reflected power on the transmission line or are you introducing 
additional reflections due to the impedance mistmatch of the bird with 
the coax?

Perhaps not.  It's just food for thought.



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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