[AMPS] toroid 4cx250/350 ideas

nospam4me@juno.com nospam4me@juno.com
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 23:01:19 -0700

re: the current 4cx350 project thread.
I've done this amplifier project once already. I've actually gone 
back to look through my notes and final as-built design. There 
were some issues about the 4:1 toroid. Although the numbers 
worked out on paper, I had a hard time getting things to work 
with the actual circuit.  
Maybe it was the ideal part values vs what ends up in the mix. 
What I ended up with was the 9:1 toroid and termination 
resistor circuit. That allowed me to provide ample drive with the 
Icom 511 (which is going up for sale soon) 10 watt output. 
I would have preferred to use the 4:1 toroid, but I could never 
get the circuit to preform as well I expected and calculated for 
the 52MHz band. Going to 9:1 was just easier and has proven 
to be stable.
hope that helps
>If I have 10W and I want 60V and half the power
>is going into my tubes and half into my resistor it looks
>like a 1:6 turns ratio and an 1800ohm resistor will get me
>the right swing from my 10W and look  like 50ohm to the
>So, why do I need tuned input?
You need 60v pk to drive the grids.  10w-rms / 50-ohms is 32v pk.  A 
bifilar toroidial transformer would increase the potential to about 60v 
peak.  The terminating R would be 200 ohms.  

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