[AMPS] MFJ-259

Werner S. Zielke, DJ2HZ wsz@ginko.de
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:25:04 +0200

Does anyone have suggestions to calibrate the MFJ-259?
Or does anyone have a schematic diagram of it? I was asking the manufactory
and they gave me the tip the calibration is off. My question to MFJ what I
have to do without any schematic diagram is ignored. No response...



          Re: MFJ-259
          Wed, 06 Oct 1999 08:50:00 -0500
          Jim Shurden <jshurden@mfjenterprises.com>
          wsz@ginko.de (Werner S. Zielke)

Dear SIr,

Sounds like the calibration is off.

Thank You,
Jim Shurden
MFJ Customer Service

At 04:20 AM 10/06/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Below is the result of the WWW feedback form.
>Dear Sirs,
>I'm using MFJ-259. With an 50 Ohms resistor (non inductive)
>swr = 1:1 and the meter shows 50 Ohms. Using a 25 Ohms resistor
>the meters shows 1.7:1 and 19 Ohm, using 100 Ohms resistor swr = 1.8:1
>and 80 Ohms. What is the matter? Is the calibration off?
>An analyser of another producer shows the correct readings.
>Best regards,
Werner, DJ2HZ 

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