[AMPS] Quiet?

measures measures@vcnet.com
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:00:46 -0700

>On Sunday, October 10, 1999 1:49 PM, measures [SMTP:measures@vcnet.com]
>> >What's going on?  Way too quiet for AMPS!
>> >
>> Maybe the believers in the old wives' tale are trying to convince 
>> themselves that the worldwide quiz was just a mirage?  
>Maybe it was the realization that some were discussing the true SWR
>(science, math and perhaps the Holy Grail) and others the measured SWR
>(imperfect meter, "real" world) and that little attempt was made to
>reconcile these differences?  Surely many participants got tired of the
>(deliberate or not) obfuscation caused by the "seems to" statements,
>typos, and partial facts.  
�  or they were unwilling to admit that SWR measurement is more 
problematic than measuring volts and amps..  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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