Larry Molitor w7iuv@axtek.com
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 02:39:39 +0100

At 09:27 PM 10/11/99 -0400, Phil T. (VA3UX) wrote:

>Ah, Rich didn't criticize anything Jon...he just asked a question.  He
>asked because "isolator" probably isn't part of the common jargon in RF
>circles for a device that does what you describe...."attenuator" is the
>commonly used technical term.  "Isolator" appears to be ham radio marketing

An "isolator" is a "circulator" with a built-in termination on one of the
ports. It does not have to be 50 ohms, but usually is because it's almost
always used at microwave. A circulator (or Isolator) for 14 MHz would
certainly be big enough to kill you if it fell on you. I have never
actually seen a circulator for any frequency lower then 450 MHz. If you
scaled the 450 model to 14 MHz, it would be about 15 feet square and the
magnet would suck the filling out of your teeth from 20 feet away. Wish I
had one here!


Larry - W7IUV
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