R: [AMPS] More Relevant SWR FINAL EXAM

Maurizio Panicara Maurizio Panicara" <i4jmy@iol.it
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 23:09:23 +0200

Isolators are not only used on transmitters but do have (or at least had)
other applications.
Moreover, in low signal applications they aren't so big. I remember one,
usable in the 200 MHz range, having quite a reasonable size and weight (some
directional couplers in the lab were bigger and heavier).

Mauri I4JMY

-----Messaggio Originale-----
Da: Harv Shore <af006@lafn.org>
A: <amps@contesting.com>; Phil T. (VA3UX) <phil@vaxxine.com>
Data invio: marted� 12 ottobre 1999 19.39
Oggetto: Re: [AMPS] More Relevant SWR FINAL EXAM

> The so called ISOLATOR is a name given to a three port CIRCULATOR with the
> third port terminated in a load. Port 1 goes to the transmitter. Port 2 to
> the antenna. Port 3 to the termination.  At UHF and microwave these are
> usually made using strip line and ferrites> Harv

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