[AMPS] amplifier problems

measures measures@vcnet.com
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:05:12 -0700

>On Wednesday, October 13, 1999 10:20 AM, measures
>[SMTP:measures@vcnet.com] wrote:
>> >
>> >Hello all...have an old alpha 374   the resister across the step down
>> >relay, a 10 ohm 13 watt wire would burned up....question...can I
>> >this with a 10 ohm 20 watt, what I have available or should I replace
>> >with an exact same wattage???   thanks all   Tim   WB8OWX
>> >
>> I have seen ww resistors of the same physical size rated from 10w to13w. 
>Your point?

The ratings game is just that.   13w rated and 10w rated vitreous coated 
ww resistors are 2 inches long and 0.4 inches in diameter.  
>>  A 10w, 10-ohm resistor should probably work ok in this application.  
>That's not what he asked.
>A 20W, if it fits physically, will be OK.

>> However, there is a chance that the resistor was not defective in the 
>> first place, and there is a circuit fault which caused the failure.  
>True enough, but since a 10W "should probably" maybe it "might not".

My guess is that a 7-watt rated unit would work in this (intermittent) 

cheers, Mike

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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