[AMPS] 4.1000A

Pat Barthelow aa6eg@hh.tmx.com
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 18:24:20 -0700 (PDT)


Check a local library, especially a University or other Technical Library.
There were a number of 4-1000 articles in earlier (50s and 60s) ARRL 
Amateur Handbooks, also, QST magazine.  In grounded Grid, it would be very
similar to a
3-1000Z design, operating as a triode, with both grids grounded....
It also seems to me that if you looked on the Internet, using a search
engine, and 4-1000 as a search word, you will find a complete documentary
page of an individual's 4-1000A project....Good luck

73, DX, de 
Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ; 
599 DX Drive, Marina CA 93933
See us on the web: www.polkinghorn.org/n6ij
"The Contest Station from the Government"

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, f5nga wrote:

> Hi every body
> Anybody could give a plan for a amp with one 4100 A
> any help nedeed
> many thanks
> please email direct me to f5nga@mail.cpod.fr
> --
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