[AMPS] You gotta read this....
Jon Ogden
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 23:18:03 -0500
Radiodan W7RF wrote:
>> I'm quoting without names a message from what our CB brethren are up to.
>> "Take for instance...
>> 2X4CX15,000 being driven by 3X8877
>> Ep was close to 14 kV on the 15,000s....
I hope they had lead shielding on the tube housings. I believe that
above 10KV, tubes begin to emit plenty of X-Rays.
>> Power output was capable of over 80,000 watts Bird.
And they coax they had to handle this is??? I know that B-cast
transmitters use some pretty darn big coax and/or waveguide (ever seen
UHF waveguide? It's BIG!) to handle the power. Normal RG-8 would
probably melt! I don't even know about 1" heliax. Probably would need
some of the real big stuff. So WHAT were they using?
This sounds to me like fish stories. Rich said it best: "Bovine Feces."
Jon Ogden
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