[AMPS] Thanks, Dan.
Jeff Wolf
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:10:02 PDT
Technical aspects aside, it sounds as though you are trying to put these
extremely overpower, illegal and dangerous CBers a class with those Ham
Radio operators who run between a little to quite a bit over power.
Don't even think of attempting to elevate yourselves by any perceived
CBers can legally run 4 watts output , HAMS can run 1500 watts.
>>>And those amplifiers that you peddle with 3CX3000s in them are supposed
>>>to be used for brick on the key RTTY contesting, right?
Give me a break.... Henry is the best name out their for illegal CB
Ask Tom or Merideth about all the tubes that Bob Vincent from SD went
through in the late 80s and early 90s (in the 11 meter 3X8877 base amp).
"Henry" knew what they where being used in, and gladly sold them (and
subsequently exchanged them out when they went bad).
As a matter of fact, it was a tech at Henry that told us about a swap to the
3CX1200A7 tubes! I performed the swap, and that was the last time that
thing ever had a set of tubes put in it.
ANY amplifier on a CB radio is illegal, while even overkill amplifiers on
HAM radio CAN be operated within legal limits.
Even stretching the limits, a 3DB increase in CB power out is 8 watts, the
same increase in HAM power out is 3000 watts.
>>>And those increases produce the same amount of illegality, DB gain, and S
>>>Meter increase. You are quoting bigger numbers to sound more impressive.
A 10,000 watt station that does the same thing would go to 20Kw... That
sounds even more impressive!
There is NO justification for the blatant illegal operation of many CBers
out there.
>>>Nor for the amateurs that you make your living selling illegal amplifiers
I seem to recall a gent in Hawaii that needed help with an 8K Ultra...
Guess he has a SWBC license, right? Because that amp would have to be VERY
carefully ran to keep it at legal limit, and even then, you would have
instantaneous peaks over the legal limit unless you ran the dog snot out of
your compressor.
Have a nice day, Dan... Nice to see that you think it is OK to sell a 8
thousand watt amp to a ham because he has a license, but the same amp to a
CBer would be unethical.
Two-faced ring a bell?
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